Learn how acoustics affect spaces and people
Soften Oy is a specialist in acoustic interior solutions, Best Acoustics Rating representative products create more functional and therefore more comfortable spaces with a sound world. But what effects does acoustics have in different rooms and how can it be influenced?
The sound world of the space has a significant impact on the comfort and well-being of people. Echoing states and disturbing sounds have a number of negative effects. However, the acoustics of the room can be improved and controlled, so it is worth paying attention to this. Good acoustics are very important both in public spaces and in homes.
Explore acoustics by subject
Reverberation time
In the context of acoustics, reverberation time is often spoken of, which, as its name implies, the duration of the echo. After the sound source closes, the sound will still be heard for some time. This is due to the reflection of sound waves from different surfaces of the space. How long the sound is audible after the sound source is silenced determines the reverberation time. When the reverberation time is too long, the sounds of the words become confused and you do not understand them. As a result, people tend to raise their voices or, for example, watch TV in a louder tone. The result is an even noisier sound environment.
Sound attenuation
The size and shape of the space, as well as the amount and placement of the sound absorbing material, have a decisive impact on reverberation time. As the wall area increases, the reverberation time also increases unless there are enough sound-absorbing surfaces in the space. By adding and placing the sound absorbing material well, you can improve the acoustics of the room and reduce the reverberation time.
Hard and sound-reflecting surfaces almost do not dampen, that is, absorb sound. The acoustics of the premises should therefore be carried out in a balanced way so that the opposite side of the hard surface always has a sound-absorbing surface
Absorption or silencing classes
The sound absorption classes are A, B, C, D and E according to EN ISO 11654. Attenuation performance is measured at frequencies from 200 to 5000 Hz. Products belonging to the absorption class A have the best damping ability. Similarly, products belonging to the absorption class E attenuate sound with poor sound. Soften Acoustic Filled interior panels belong to the best possible sound absorption class A (EN ISO 11654).
Health effects of noise
Acoustics have a great impact on the mental and physical well-being of a person. The impact of noise pollution on public health has been studied to be the second largest after fine particulate matter.
The noisy and noisy space makes normal communication difficult. It makes you tired and stressed, and puts a strain on memory, thinking, and processing and regulating emotions. Noise problems are manifested in the form of sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating and learning, as well as heart and circulatory system dysfunction. In the worst cases, noise causes hearing loss and hearing damage.
The importance of sound conditions in kindergartens and educational institutions
The noisy environment causes stress for both children and staff. Teaching situations are mainly based on linguistic communication, speaking and listening, supported by good acoustics. The audibility and intelligibility of speech is especially important in kindergarten in terms of the development of the child's speech learning. An adult can guess whole words or phrases from a few syllables, but in a child, development is not so far along. In this case, a good sound environment is of particular importance.
The poor sound environment also directly affects the well-being of the teaching staff at work: poor hearing causes sound stress: the voice does not last and constant stress can even cause problems with the vocal cords. Noise also increases overall fatigue and stress.
A pleasant, calm learning environment encourages calm behavior and sound use, and brings peace to school work, among other things. Sounds that are out of the ordinary are better distinguished, which increases public safety.
Acoustics and well-being at work
Acoustics are an important part of ergonomics. The most common indoor environment problem in offices is noise, and especially the distinguishable, distracting speech sound. In work and office spaces, special attention should be paid to the acoustics of the space, as this has a great impact on the mental and physical well-being of employees. Good acoustics facilitate communication and concentration on work tasks, improve performance and work efficiency, reduce stress and increase employee comfort, among other things.
Open-plan offices and flexible workstations that have become popular pose special challenges for space acoustics. Employees are disturbed in open offices by background noise, external noise, and especially by other people's speech and its distinctiveness. Good room acoustics in an open office are achieved when speech separability between workstations is low.
The noise level can be influenced by adding sound-absorbing material to the space and placing it in the right places. When the noise level is lowered, people no longer feel the need to raise their voices, but instead begin to speak in a quieter voice than before. As a result, background noise is further reduced and the acoustics of the working environment are improved.
The acoustics of the room should be considered as a whole. The acoustic result in the room is influenced by factors such as: the amount of damping material, the walls dividing the high workstations and the hanging elements. A pleasant cover tone that covers speech also complements the overall solution.
It is estimated that approximately 10% of the working-age population are variously hearing impaired. For example, special attention should be paid to the working conditions of an employee wearing a hearing aid. The hearing aid amplifies all ambient sounds, including background noise, which can make it difficult to track speech, for example. In this case, the importance of acoustics is strongly emphasized in the design of the workspace.
The effect of home acoustics on living comfort
Recently, more attention has also begun to be paid to improving the sound conditions in the residential environment. Large room heights, large window surfaces, and hard wall and floor surfaces are currently preferred in home space design, which further increases the reverberation problems in the premises. The scarcity of soft interior materials in interior design as a trend is not enough to sufficiently muffle the sound, thereby accentuating the reverberation of home spaces. Open space solutions are also challenging in terms of acoustics.
At home, the functions of various hobby spaces can also be taken into account with acoustics design. For example, home theaters, music listening rooms, or musical instrument hobbies can bring the need for good acoustics to achieve a pleasant sound environment. In many private houses, the acoustics of stairwells are also an ideal target for the placement of damping material, preventing the movement of sounds between floors.
In domestic conditions, attention should also be paid to the personal needs of residents and, of course, comfort and decorativeness are also an important part. Acoustics should be taken into account already in the architect's plans, so you can reach a comprehensive solution, and usually also a more economical and functional solution than if the problems are solved afterwards. Soften Oy's acoustic products are available in Turku, Helsinki and other parts of Finland. You can buy products through our dealers and our own project sales.